Contribute to 42ctf


If you would like us to add another payment method or if you want to pay in cash, send us a message !

What will we do with your money ?

Hosting a website - and especially a CTF platform - costs money: more precisely, it costs us 50 euros per month.

If we had 40 members each year, it would be enough to cover the hosting of 42CTF.
We currently have 1 members.

With the additional money, we could for example offer prizes for limited-time events, but we will update this page as soon as we reach this threshold :)

Translate 42CTF

42CTF source code is publicly available on this git.
Translation does not require any programming skill and is a good way to contribute if you want to help us, by making the platform always more accessible.

We have a wiki describing how to translate pages with the Django internalization module.

Don't hesitate to reach for help on

Create new challenges

If you want to create new challenges for 42CTF, send us a message on !

If your challenge is offline, then you don't have to ask us in advance.
If your challenge is online (for example web or pwn), then you should give us a short description of what you want to do.
We may be able to help you or to give you resources such as dockerfiles.

We plan to make those resources publicly available in a near future.